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Results for "main_practice: Love, for_children: y"
A Is for Always A perceptive book celebrating the joys and challenges of adoption.
Owl Babies A picture book that teaches kids about the nurturing presence of mothers
Just Right for Two A delightful story about a dog who learns how important it is to have a friend.
Thomas the Toadilly Terrible Bully Why trying to be special and standing apart from the crowd can lead to loneliness.
The Tiny King A children's picture book that illustrates that happiness comes not from excess things but from relationships.
There, There A very welcome children's book featuring a male character who is an emotional caregiver.
Catty Jane Who Loved to Dance A story about a young ballerina who learns that there is more than one way to dance.
All Kinds of Friends A celebration of the variety of friends we can have to light up our lives.
What's Up, Bear? A children's picture book about two friends on a trip to New York City who have very different responses to the city.
Mad at Mommy A simple story which shows children that anger is an emotion that comes and then goes but parental love lasts a long time and is forgiving.